Maple Avenue: 740-450-8779
Maysville Avenue: 740-487-4025
Open/Close Times:
Monday -Friday: 9am - 9pm
Saturday: 9am-5pm
Sunday: Closed
What is Photosensitivity and what substances affect it?
Photosensitivity comes from the Latin words 'photo' which means light and 'sensitivus' which means feeling. It is a condition in which skin reacts abnormally to light, especially UV rays or sunlight, due to the presence of medications, hormones, or heavy metals in the human body. Thus, when we identify a substance or a 'photosensitizer' that, in combination with light, will cause a sensitivity reaction, we can take appropriate steps to ensure responsible tanning. Medications such as Psoralen, diuretics, birth control pills, high blood pressure medicine, and antibiotics may also affect photosensitivity. Certain foods such as citrus fruits and celery and cosmetics and soaps can also increase one's level of photosensitivity.
If you are taking any medications, please let us know so that we can guide you in correct tanning times OR limit your UV tanning until you have completed the medications. Just because there may be limitations on your UV tanning doesn't mean you have to be casper the ghost - Our sunless spray tan by Versa Spa Pro is AMAZING!